
What you need to know about the scottish fold munchkin cat

munchkin cats

Ironically, the controversy surrounding the breed contributed to its growing popularity. Because of articles in the wall street journal, people, and other publications, demand for the sports car of the cat fancy increased until breeders had trouble meeting the demand. In order to keep the gene pool healthy munchkins are bred out with other long-legged cats.

She and one of her male kittens, toulouse, were outcrossed to domestic cats. Outcrosses to domestic shorthairs and longhairs are still permitted to ensure a diverse gene pool.munchkin cats  One possible genetic health problem of munchkin kittens is a condition called lordosis, also known as tight chest. Lordosis causes a shortening of the muscles that hold the spine in place, allowing it to sink down into the chest cavity. There are varying degrees of lordosis ranging from mild to severe, but kittens with the most severe form of the defect rarely live past twelve weeks old. Lordosis is a relatively rare medical condition, and it also occurs in other cat breeds. Munchkins owe their short legs to a naturally occurring gene, not human selective breeding.

The gene responsible for the breed's short legs has been likened to the same one that gives dachshunds and welsh corgis their diminutive stature. However, since the spine of a cat is physically different from that of a dog, munchkins do not suffer the spinal problems that are sometimes associated with those canine breeds. So far, there haven't been any reports of severe congenital disabilities in munchkin cats. However, it is worth noting that this breed first happened in 1991, so there hasn't been a significant amount of time to know the full extent of potential health problems. First introduced in a very public way in 1991, munchkin cats have short legs and long, slim bodies. Despite their unique appearance, they are relatively healthy, with little evidence suggesting that their short legs impact them negatively.

Hochenedel and lafrance wrote the first breed standard, and established a breeding program. Other breeders soon joined their cause and established their own munchkin breeding programs. In 1991, the munchkin was introduced to the public at the nationally televised incats tica show at madison square garden in new york city, to both acclaim and resistance. They tried to gain recognition for the munchkin with tica at that time, but were turned down on the basis that not enough was known about the breed. In 1994, the munchkin breeders tried again, and this time the breed was accepted into tica’s new breed development program in september of that year.

While munchkins are so far not predisposed to any genetic disorders it is well advised to keep them active and consuming a healthy diet. A reputable breeder will abide by a code of ethics that prohibits sales to pet stores and wholesalers and outlines the breeder’s responsibilities to their cats and to buyers. Choose a breeder who has performed the health certifications necessary to screen out genetic health problems to the extent that is possible, as well as one who raises kittens in the home. Kittens who are isolated can become fearful and skittish and may be difficult to socialize later in life. The munchkin is a cat breed that sprang from a natural genetic mutation. Reports of short-legged cats have appeared throughout history, including in 1944 in britain, in 1956 in russia, in 1970 in new england, and in the 1980s in louisiana. A cat named blackberry, who was found as a stray in 1983, was the mother of the munchkin breed.